Question? Check our FAQs!

  1. On the Competitions page, decide which competition you want to enter and how many tickets you want to buy or to enter by post click here (See section 3.10)
  2. Answer the qualifying skill-based question and complete payment online. You must answer the question for the competition correctly, and after payment, we will send you your ticket numbers directly via e-mail. You can also view your tickets in the My Account section of the website.
  3. Wait to find out if you are the winner. Draws will take place live on our Facebook page and we will contact the winners directly to arrange delivery of prizes


We limit ticket purchases to a maximum of 25, however, most of our competitions are limited to 10 tickets per customer

You must answer the question for the competition correctly, and after payment, we will send you your ticket numbers directly via e-mail.

You can also view your tickets in the My Account section of the website

Please be patient, sometimes it can take a little while for the order to be processed.

If you don’t receive an e-mail with your ticket number, this could be due to our e-mail ending up in your spam/junk folder. So please check there.

You can also check the My Account section of the website to view your orders, and you will be able to see your ticket numbers listed there.

If you still can’t see your ticket number, please contact us 

Remember, if you get the competition question wrong, you will not get a ticket number and will not be entered into the draw. You will still be charged for your ticket purchase.

We use google’s random number generator to select a ticket number from the list of entries

If you get the competition question wrong, you will not be entered into the competition and will not receive a ticket number for the draw. You will still be charged for your entry/entries.

The draw for each competition will generally happen within 24 hours of the competition ending. We will keep you updated about draw times on our Facebook page

Prizes will be delivered directly to the winner to anywhere in the UK & Ireland